About the Glen Lake Woman’s Club

“If you wish to live in a better place, better the place in which you live.”


The Glen Lake Woman’s Club is a service organization that fosters social, civic and educational projects.


With a few exceptions, meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month. There is a second meeting toward the end of June used for last minute planning for the Flag Raising and Art Fair both held in July. Because of those events, there is no meeting in July. Meeting location and time are listed on our Home Page along with the name of the speaker. 

Members bring their own sack lunch at noon. Hostesses provide a dessert and serve beverages. Members will be notified about any special lunches.

Our Story

How We Got Started

The Glen Lake Woman’s Club was started by 19 women in 1937. Dues were 10 cents a meeting and they met weekly during the spring and fall. Their motto: “If you wish to live in a better place, better the place in which you live.” Their primary goal was to raise money for community projects. Meetings centered on making aprons, quilts, braided rugs and embroidered pillow cases to sell. They provided furnishings for the new gym and kitchen in the bulding now known as Glen Arbor Township Hall. They distributed clothing and shoes to needy families. Members also held Christmas and springtime parties for patients at the State Hospital in Traverse City. In 1966, the Club became stewards of the Chapel at Old Settlers Picnic Grounds and to this day, we maintain the inside of the Chapel and the gardens around it.   


More Recently

In 1972, the Glen Lake Woman’s Club incorporated as a non-profit organization and established the annual Arts and Crafts Fair, held on the 3rd Wednesday in July. The fair attracts artists and craftspeople from many areas. Funds raised from the Art Fair support scholarships to Northwestern Michigan College for graduating students from Glen Lake Community Schools.

Get Involved. Join our group. 


Mail us via US Mail: GLWC, Box 564, Glen Arbor MI, 49636